After 2 weeks to the day, I have now been upgraded to using a cane, again. It's very funny because I was not given very clear movement restrictions following surgery, so I've been very very cautious overall, sticking to the wheelchair and walker until doctor says something, whereas I would normally be doing whatever I could possibly get away with post surgery due to knowing my restrictions. This small lack of communication however led to a funny instance today where during a physical therapy checkup, at the very end of the session (last 5-ish minutes) the therapist tells me, very offhandedly, "oh you can do (movement) by the way it's fine" and within maybe 2 or so minutes I was instantly upgraded to a cane out of nowhere, much to the surprise of my family. Forgot to bring my old cane but pt thankfully let me borrow one while I get a normal offset handle from walmart. They only had T handles, hook handles, and quad canes though and I must say the hook and quad ones feel very odd to use, ended up borrowing the T handle since it was the closest to an offset